Assalamualaikum!!! salam 1 Malaysia.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
aku bangga dengan kau`!!!
Assalamualaikum w.b.t ......... selamat sejahtera.
Posted by tigerceria at 8:30 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 23, 2011
membaca amalan mulia :)
Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera.........
Pada satu hari, ada tiga sekawan ni... berjalan menuju ke library..
dipendekkan cerita... sesampai di library... saya dan kawan2 saya pergi mencari buku.... saya cari buku bahasa English, tergerak hati nak baca buku bahasa English, Al-maklum lah...... tak pernah baca novel english.... kalau baca pon mesti tak habis punyalah...
bukan apa.....
Melalui membaca, kita boleh meningkatkan kosa kata kita.
Tambahan pula untuk menguasai subjek bahasa, kita perlulah banyak membaca.. contohnya macam guru saya, Pn.Zarina Ahmad. Beliau merupakan seorang guru English yang sangat bagus sebenarnya. Cuma sebahagian daripada kita (pelajar *****2) sahaja yang tidak menyedari perkara itu.
Sembang kencang kat sini pun tak guna,
Saya ketandusan idea. Inilah pasal`!!! kena baca banyak buku lagi ni...
oklah guys```!!! :) have a lovely day`!!!
Posted by tigerceria at 3:50 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 16, 2011
balik kampung`!!! (^_^)
ok pada hari sabtu 16/7/2011 my family and i went to my kampung. we ke kampung to had a tahlil arwah atok. (habes rojak bahasa``)
sorry guys.............. hehehe
ok, nak story sikit ni...
sesampainya kami di sana kami disambut dengan jeritan
terperanjat berok aku disitu, then kami masok ler... rupanya.............
mereka sedang menyaksikan perlawanan bola
Malaysia XI v.s Liverpool FC
aku dengan sepantas kilat salam semua orang kat situ lalu lari pergi sebelah sepupu aku, anis . dengan tak buka tudung, dengan beg baju kat sebelah, LANTAK AKU JEK.... duduk join tengok bola..
huhuhu, walaupun kalah....... tapi ade jugaklah goal... daripada takda langsong.....
then, malamnya tu sepupu kesayangan aku datang. waktu magrib tu, pergi surau baca yassin 3kali kan.... sempena malam Nisfu Syaaban
(da berapa bulan da aku tak topup)
lepas tahlil selesai, biasalah.... makan-makan....
pas makan-makan, tetamu da balik, kemas-kemas, cuci-cuci pinggan, bual-bual, usik-usik, gurau-gurau, kami pon haruslah bertolak balik ke JB.... bukan JUstin BIeber....
JOhor BAHru....
dapat berkat oh! and ade bubur chacha durian or bubur durian caca, aku pon tak tahu ape nama bubur tu tapi yang pastu dia ade bubur caca and ada durian, air tangan atok mak caye... cedap bangat :)P
percaya atau tidak.....
kami mula bertolak ke JB pada pukul hmmm,,,,, around 10/11 mlm,
sampai di JB pada pukul 5......something. Hampir subuh lah senang cakap.. padahal, kampung kt ledang jek... hahaaha
tapikan... banyak polis road block la..... tapi kelakar.
time dye buat pemeriksaan aku pikir dye nak tengok rotex or lesen, or watever yang berkenaan dengan pemandu, rupenye...
dye tengok muka saja,,,, hahaha.
eh, tapi serius beb... polis sekarang lawa-lawa, hensem-hensem...
sampai JB penat sangat.....!!!
walaupun bukan aku yang memandu......
oklah... have a nice day guys`!!!
Posted by tigerceria at 10:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 8, 2011
kongsi ilmu amalan mulia :)
Assalamualaikum..... salam 1 Malaysia... :) may you enjoy reading my blog which is not famous like your's..
okey`! eh! ce tgok video ni.. best..
camne dye buat ek?? 3orang yang same... baek lah!
lagu dye best jugak. hahaha.
video-video dye best dok..
ok lah, nak tgok video-video dye. babai :)
have a nice day guys!!
err... korang mesti pelik "awat tajok post kali ni takda kena mengena dengan isi-isi postnya?"
aku pon tak tahu.. =.="
Posted by tigerceria at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 7, 2011
kuih cornflake
assalamualaikum.. :)
hari ni, balik dari kelas tambahan terus balik rumah.
setiba di rumah......
"Wah, ade cornflake! madu pon ade! gula tok sah cakap ar... memang ade... =.=" hmmm.... planta! baeklah`!!
bole buat kuih cornflake...
then start la buat........................
beberapa minit kemudian.................
>>masokkan kuih dalam oven
yey!! kuih da siap!!
po laie...... makan laorh!
hehehe, sedap2..
ok la guys... have a nice day ya...... :)
Posted by tigerceria at 3:12 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 30, 2011
buih sabun`!!!
Assalamualaikum everybody!!!
cikgu aku dah ok`!!! Alhamdullilah.....
ok, aku nk cerita pasal buih sabun ni!
aku balik jalan kaki.... pastu kehujanan deh...

Posted by tigerceria at 2:14 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 27, 2011
plizz cikgu`!!! :'(
Assalamualaikum ...... salam satu Malaysia :D
hmm... cerita ni agak sedih....
ye lah.... mne tak sedihkan.. kalau cikgu kesayangan korang dah tak seceria dulu...
kalau dulu, klaz math kiteowg sangat happy, dan cikgu akan risau kalau antara kitowang ada yang tidak faham apa yang di ajarnya..
keadaan kelas menjadi sunyi disebabkan hari itu....
sunyi... no fun anymore...........
hmmm.... sedih beb... but it ok....
sebab beliau tetap mengajar, daripada tak ajarkan....
but... i really2 hope`!!! the circumstances will return as before..
ok guys... HAVE A NICE DAY....
Posted by tigerceria at 1:59 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 17, 2011
busy week`!!!

Posted by tigerceria at 4:40 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
c ==> CUTI u ==> UNTUK t ==> TAMBAH i ==> ILMU

Posted by tigerceria at 6:39 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 5, 2011
my oral test!! Is The Internet A Useful Tool In Education
Many studies have proven that the Internet is one of the most powerful sources of information in the world wide for all races and cultures. Some schools nowa days have eliminated the booksthe note books and changed them with laptops and emails. An increasing number of young generations prefer this modern technology over the old ways in studying. Internet can be helpful indeed to both students and teachers in many ways and this is why. and
First of all, the Students find the Internet a saving time invention. While it takes hours for one to search the library for the information, it takes only an Enter click to find what he is seeking for. Also, it is more fun and interesting to dig inthe internet than in books because web sites are usually filled with colors and designs while the books are plain and some are even old.
Another example of Internet's importance in education is the teachers. They can use this giant source in teaching students who are distant, they can up load their courses on the webs so the whole world benefits from it , Also, Internet can be a lie detective for teachers to use and see if their students were cheating, Internet expands teachers time, instead of correcting in a limited or no time they have all day long by receiving the home works and sending them back to the students to correct their mistakes .
Internet for sure is an affective weapon in education, however we can not replace it or make it a superior to the importance of the book.
Posted by tigerceria at 8:19 PM 0 comments
my presentation!!! prisoner of zenda chapter 13
Rassendyll is confused. He is torn between love and honour On the one hand, he loves for Flavia and on the other hand, his mission to save the rightful King to the throne. Rassendyll chooses to honour his word to save the King. Rassendyll is determined to save the King and urges Colonel Sapt to start the rescue efforts immediately. He informs Flavia, who is deeply hurt by his hunting plans. Flavia reminds him to be extra careful once she knows that the hunting trip is to get Black Michael. Rassendyll, Colonel Sapt, Fritz and ten gentlemen leave Strelsau. They reach the castle of Tarlenheim which belongs to Fritz’s uncle. The castle is located five miles from the castle of Zenda.
Posted by tigerceria at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 26, 2011
huuish, exam is just around the coner! hohoho, hari khamis ari tu aku demam.. tapi still sklh lagi... start jejak kaki kat rumah demam makin parah.. isy3....
kerana telah menjagaku dgn sempurna dan penuh kasih sayang.. luv u!! muah!!
hihihi, i luv my mum... ok. cite psl exam... rase mcm terlalu awl untuk adekan exam ni... baru nk enjoy2 dgn sukan.. senin ni InsyaAllah aku dah bole bersekolah semula... selasa da start pekse.. huhu, chaiyok3!!! pray 4 me and all of them that will take this exam.. amin...
bai guys.. have a nice day!
salam.. (^^)
Posted by tigerceria at 3:39 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
latihan larian tasek !!!
salam guys... (v.v) penat3... lari tadi... fuhh, hoho tapi dapat sumbangkan 4 mata tok rumah sukan!! yeah!! terharunyer.. huhuhuhu...seriusly, mmg penat gilew... eiykah sanggop menunggu aku..
thank eiykah. :> luv u...
huish... tadi eiykah dtg rumah, time hujan.. isy! bhye yow!
grobmm!!! kilat+guruh!! terkejot kiteorg... hahaha, then, study kat rmh aku jek la... haha.. terkejot eiykah kna karen.... hahaha!!
hari ni, best but penat.. but still best la... =)
ok guys, enjoy your day!!!
Posted by tigerceria at 5:07 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
boLa taMpaR!!!!
hai3!! salam.... huhui! ari ni penat deh main bola tampar!
tapi best ar.. hahhahah, mirul pon ade skli eh.. a.k.a si bulu mata lentik. :D tapi panas, mthri terik.. abes muke itam... huhuhu
tapi.. ade satu yg membuatkan aku tak boleh bla, hahha!! bola asyik nk golek kt lori yg sebok membaiki pdg sklh aku... hahha, menakotkan..... tapi ika, baek ar kau!! kejar bola, dgn gaya yg agak menarik,, and thank to you satu bola tak jatoh... hahahhaha,
then, on the way balik dengan eiykah, sambong main bola tampar kt sktu plak!! hoho, lawan dengan cikgu-cikgu, cikgu suhaila, cikgu anisah, cikgu khairiah, and ramai lagi cikgu dari sekolah2 yang lain, GEMPAK BEB!!!
lama jugak la main bola tampar dgn cikgu2,,, net dye tinggi uh... hohoo, aku gembira, sbb bola aku melepasi net tersebot!! hohoho
tgok, superman pon bangga dengan aku... huhuhuhui...
hahahahha, ok la nk siapkan homework yg berlambak ni,, baibai...
salam.. (^.^)
Posted by tigerceria at 2:49 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 20, 2011
buZY sTaY sekolaH
salam... sedar tak sedar da masuk bulan 2 da pon.... skrg tgh bizi dgn latihan rumah sukan! :) so, selalu jugak ar balik rumah lmbt.. keje sklh pon berlambak... pe seh.. =.= best stay, main bola tampar, badminton, tapi x syok sgt ar men badminton sbb ade angin.. bola tampar xde gelanggang.. tapi xpe... best jgk ar main dgn kwn.. (^.^) tapi balik rumah je da penat... pas tu, seb baik da dpt siapkan hmwrk... kepada eiykah, welcome to world of blogging! => k guys, may u enjoy ur day!! senyum selalu :)
Posted by tigerceria at 3:11 AM 0 comments